Evolution of Literature

Written by – Vartika Madan (Research and Opinion Blog)

Literature has evolved a lot over time. In the past few centuries, we have gone from classic literature to modern literature.

We had a lot of conceptualism and narrative literature in the past few decades, also people have led themselves towards urban drama which is just another genre to highlight romanticism and taking away realistic nature out of literature.

Writers like George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Charlotte Bronté, Emily Bronté, Virginia Woolf, William Shakespeare, and Jane Austen are losing their value because people are now inclining towards hopeless romanticism. A few writers like Rupi Kaur and Paulo Coelho are trying to continue the essence of realistic nature in writing, but it is difficult for people to actually interpret the meaning of their work.

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This is only because of the reason that our education system has broken the beauty of literature. If you talk about India in schools most of the stories that are read, even by 16 or 17-year-old students are edited copies, these have basically tampered literature works that bring the wrong image of classic literature in the eyes of youth.

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Photo Credit – Twitter – @LitLitMemes

Another problem for bugging writers in today’s time who want to work on realistic nature is the increased amount of laziness amongst humans. Humans are not ready to go to a book store and buy books, everybody wants to order online. Even so, people don’t even order a paperback book now, they order ebooks.

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Photo Credit – Twitter – @probs_of_APLit

Also, there is another problem clouding the value of authentic books, the coronavirus or the COVID-19. Think of the people who were trying to make their career in literature, it would be devastating to release a book in the circumstances. This is a problem that is leading to us losing our values and guiding our future generations on to the wrong path. I am myself working on a book and I realized that even if I finish it on time this year I don’t think I want to release my book in the catastrophic circumstances plus no one will be able to go to Book stores.

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But you know in the negatives of coronavirus, the situations we are in, there is small plus point in it, if the young writers actually work on it; coronavirus can revolutionize and bring back authenticity and realistic nature in literature. We are all on lockdown at our houses, we can write about what others are experiencing, we can write about what we are experiencing it will help us enhance our work, which can turn out to be very progressive.

Like during the influenza outbreak, the world wars, the independence fight among different countries, literature has seen a different kind of evolution in it and I am just saying that we can use this as an opportunity to explore this beautiful field.

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Medieval Plague problems, compare them with yours! Photo credit – The System Comic

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