

Feb 10, 2020 | Vartika Mdan Photography has entered a whole new era, with tremendous changes in technology with availability of Photoshop and editing apps. A good photographers’ best tool is the camera itself. Editing is no substitute to photography. Manipulating photographs has gone too far; people have started learning manipulating techniques on editing apps…

Mansplaining – Men think femineity makes me stupid

I am a photographer and men explain me the specifications of my own camera, for example once a man tried to convince me that my mirrorless camera is a DSLR. I am a writer and men explain the meaning of my poetry to me, for example once a man told me that my explanation to…

Monica Lewinsky and the major consequences of trolling

When you search for Monica Lewinsky on Google, the top results include her highly publicized affair with Bill Clinton, her appearance in season 3 of American Crime Story on Hulu, and her Twitter account. However, it’s concerning that her affair is the primary thing that people associate with her. This one event completely changed Lewinsky’s…

Sexuality is still a taboo: Greer

A woman’s sexuality has been a topic of discussion for centuries. When humanity shifted from the ‘hunters and gatherers’ to ‘civilization and industrialization’, humanity turned its face to make mankind – a patriarchal society with patriarchal order. A world of the men, a world for the men, a world by the men – it started…

Studying Greer’s book The Female Eunuch, Alicia Walker’s The Color Purple and Virginia Woolfe’s A Room With A View as a feminist

There are multitudes of variants that are covered by Walker, Woolf, and Greer in their books. One must discuss each separately and clearly. One of the main point of all three books is that women are often forced to stick with the gender stereotypes of the society. Patriarchy has bound women to certain roles and…

How pandemic worsened Food security in India

(Converting my economics assignment into a blog – written on 19 June 2021) Starvation in sickness is not an ideal situation that anyone would want their fellow citizens to be in. The pandemic has impacted India in ways no one could have predicted. From the loss of life to lack of essentials, COVID-19 has been…

When I analyze my past, I realize I might have been a hypocrite, and maybe I realize the same every year ahead in my life – that’s growth, isn’t it?

Since I was a little girl, I stood up against gender inequality. Like when I say little, I mean little. Today I realized, that every year of my life, every month, day, hour, minute, and even every second of my life, my opinion has changed, shifted and grown – maybe for betterment of my life,…

Why is the possibility of a social media ban harmful?

Source of info for the first paragraph – QUARTS INDIA Written by Vartika Madan Well, let’s start with the fact that the Social media ban is not happening in a day or so, which is unlike what many are implying on the internet. Right now, everyone is hearing in the news that Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp,…


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